вторник, септември 04, 2007

Motorola - леко ретро ...

По случайност попаднах на тези снимчици на Мото. Преди да правят Рейзъри те не са правили Гуми като някои Финландци, а са се занимавали отново с Радио ...Има и доста други неща, но свалих само няколко ..

  1. Motorola portable stereo phonograph model PP207C with speakers and golden putty cabinet.

2. The Motorola Changeabout, the stereo player that plays in 3 places, for your car, for your home, for your boat. Something else in sound on wheels campaign. RE: Model TM718S stereo 8-track tape player

3. Exclusive Golden Voice hi-fidelity system, the radio-phonograph that brings music lovers the answer to low-cost hi-fi tone.
IMAGES: Hi-fi radio-phonograph model 53F2; red record.

4. Make your radio an automatic phonograph, Motorola wireless automatic record changer makes any radio an automatic phonograph-radio combination...1941 Motorola radios and automatic phonograph-radios.
IMAGES: Record changer, other radio and phonograph models. APPEARED IN: Saturday Evening Post, Sept. 21, 1940.